...Today, it was reported FOX's...
..."jolly Roger" has been caught trying to do the dirty, allegedly, to either, Palin, or Van Susteren, or O'Reilly, or someone in Murdoch's world wide 'franchisee. Now, up to the minute, with K. Fung 1/7/2014 8:47 am EST-"...Coulter calls Harris-Perry a 'token' African American...
"fe fi fo fum, I smell the *blood of a 'Kentucky'un'...
...be he a live or be he dead, I'll mix his bones to make my bread." In the movie called "Jack The Giant Slayer" the scene where one of the tall men (over 14 cubits) reaches in his nostrils, I think the right nostril-republicans, to get and swallow, {ahhh,} nose drippings, and eats it! (t...
12/29/2013-Palin: uncalled for, suspension for Phil Robertson...
...through his reference against blacks and other groups. We guess, his other statements, for, 15 year old marrying old men or men older than their mid 20's, are not to be secluded from each other. Earlier, Palin proved that point with she granted an initiative saying if Mike Bloomberg, at the time t...
Negro maid Carrie Butler, was, "gone-after", before her 16 birthday, and her conception date.
...She delivered a baby girl at the age of 16. The father was 23. In and around the farm, the sketchiness of the events should suggest that the father his amusement on the farm's servant, often, and on a daily bases. That's the way it was in South Carolina, back before the 1926, the 1925, and the 1924. It...
Overture: Certain Lights! This is it, we'll hit the heights...
...and oh, what heights we'll hit, on with the show, THIS IS IT! Ted Cruz insists role in Government Shut Down, wasn't a mistake. But OMB Director Sylvia Matthews Burwell insists in the fourth quater's estimate by years end will cost Americans between $2 Billion to $6 billion in our economics--(Let g...
Dec 30, 2013
by Anonymous
Sarah Palin claims suspension was uncalled for. But what she wants is power...
...and the a *big-push, to consider, a republicans to un-seat the democrat base in Arkansas. When one looks at the outlining areas surround the state, one can imagine Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, & "Duck Dynasty's" Alabama as a strong-hold for...
Dec 28, 2013
by Anonymous
Democrat (Senator) Mark Begich from Arkansas and...
...Ex-Governor Sarah Palin plans to run for Senator from Arkansas. Heads-up! Send her packing.
Dec 27, 2013
by Anonymous
73% of Americans think this is a Do-Nothing congress...
...according to a CNN/ORC International Poll-Paige Lavender 2013 12:07 pm EST. We live in a structure where 'accountability to what one says' can hold weight to an outcome. Case-in-point: Should John Boehner tag as the original fixer of what lead to $2 billion plus shut down. You have heard it befor...
Dec 26, 2013
by Anonymous
McConnell: I'll like to cancel the senate's all-nighter 48 hour for the week day/week end...
...Senator Reid. My part, it has been a otter failure to get the Democrats in line, and readdressing the 60 votes, now reduced to 51 vote, like it's always been for 2010. (*I think, Senator Reid, the blame needs to left at the steps of the origins of the mess. Back in 2009, Jan., Rep. Kevin McCarthy said, &...
Dec 26, 2013
by Anonymous
4 contra la inmigracion
Tus enemigos contra la inmigracion. El partido repubicano. 1. Crover Norquist apoya la propuesta negociada en secreto por la banda de los Ocho. (?Que?) por Jeff Poor-Media reporter-4/13/2013. 2. El Tea Partys, cinico oposicion a la reforma migratoria 2013 Julio. 3. Los Hermanos Koch, el partroc...
Dec 22, 2013
by Anonymous
Rep. McCarthy has spread to the Pardon Attorney Ronald L. Rodgers who...
...is a Bush holdover. There is an allegation Attorney lied to the president concerning an inmate's three (3) life times incarceration. There seems that the decade and a half would be the actuality behind bars! The president and Mr. Rodgers will work out a deal. But, here's the larger question: I'm I...
Dec 21, 2013
by Anonymous
Naughty or Nice: The Red planet or a Red costume
12/12/2013 FOX at 9:00pm's Megyn Kelly took issue and offense toward Ms. Harris. The "Jesus" thing is not an issue because, even,...Eric Canter...knows, that "Jesus" wasn't white. I paid attention to the radio when Mr. Madison called Megyn Kelly DUMB! She still hasn't...
Dec 21, 2013
by Anonymous
Through the 21 of Nov 2013 and a year past 27 Nov 2012, *McConnell...
...has been consistent with his opposition to the democrats and the Democratic process & what constitutes fair and reasonable disagreement upon reasonable policy makers. 21 Nov. McConnell said (to the democrats and the house) "You will regret this, sooner than you think". (1.)...
Dec 13, 2013
by gasface49
Part II: 12/3/2013 8 days ago, Stand up for Pope Francis...Rick!
Time's "Man of the Year", A sound opportunity to...'rock'... both of their heads-Limbaugh and Palin!
Dec 11, 2013
by Anonymous
(Aruther) Ashe's Soweto Dream Revived-5 April 2007
World class sports 'icon's: There were 4, John Colas, Tommy Smith, Muhammad Ali, and Tennis Great Aruther Ashe. In the late 60's he approached the South Africa for a visa as well as playing tennis, he wanted, just to enter the country! He was granted a visa in 1973. "Ashe's Soweto Dream revived&q...
Disrespect to Mandela from Vice President (He says he's a terrorist *)
Huffington Post reporter tells in a piece how V.P. Cheney maintains Mandela is a terrorist. Nick Wing 12/05/2013 6:14 pm EST. Cheney didn't regret his vote freeing the South Africa President. But all I know is that he didn't shoot *Harry Whittington, (active at the time, The V.P.) Cheney did. Man...
Stand in for Pope Francis: Santorum vs Limbaugh & Palin. Now that's a hoot!
Talk Host (& Palin) attacks 'Pure Marxism of Evangelii Gaudium 12.02/2013 4:11 pm est Huffington Post. ''...Limbaugh slammed Pope Francis..." Palin did the same within 2 weeks. If he could, he's kick both of their butts. but Pope Francis is a man of 'peace.' But I know of someone who will; e...
Q: Stain or "Stained" (11/28/2013 09:19 am et, est-Ap)
Eric Tucker: 'Bob McDonnell ends term in Va. statehouse with Scandal-"Stained" year': Stain or "Stained" Staining, Stains- 1. To discolour, soil, spot. 2. To taint, corrupt. 3. To colour with a coat of penetrating liquid dye or tint. 4. To treat (specimens for the microsco...
Nov 30, 2013
by Anonymous
Who's really the bottom line archcutect behind the HECKLERS?
Answer: Rep. Kevin McCarthy. "...mostar una opposicion unida e inflexible a las politicas economicas del presidents. Tenemos que achallos desafiar (Democrats) en cada facture. Vote no en cada pieza de legislacion presentada a traldo ai sevelo. 01 2009-El President Electo Obama cena de I...
Nov 28, 2013
by Anonymous
Despoilers: Sen. Corynyn and BeBe Netanyah. Two to are War-mongers.
...Despoilers of Sec. Kerry's efforts to reach for a first step with peace. The American people and the majority of people around the world, applaud you Secretary of State and President Obama with their talks with (Persian) Iranian officials. But it with confusion that Sen. Cornyn called the D...
Nov 25, 2013
by Anonymous
McConnell: Biggest Loser, by Joan Walsh Thur 21 Nov. 2013, 3:21 pm est
...Warning to all who oppose the filibuster Nov. 27, 2012. McConnell upward acquiesce in unknown agreements of assets to over $44.5 million from the regular pay scale to a senator from Kentucky, Feb. 8, 2013 to Ms. Walsh's high-lighting Paragraph 1."...unprecedented campaign against the p...
Nov 22, 2013
by Anonymous
Their drug of choice.
Republicans, Ensign, Vitter, *Sanford, Wilbur Mills, & Mitt, posing with his arm around Porn Star Jenna Jameson, all had a drug of choice: 4 of the 5 liked a women's Hoo-Hy! *Sanford when so far as the next country for the woman's *Hoo-Hy. Any drug, if it is a *sniff, or whether it's a sniff, coc...
Nov 21, 2013
by Anonymous
Repay: 6/17/2013 from 9/13/2005. Photo of Sean Penn, NY Post holding a shotgun,
According to the past week, George Zimmerman (GZ) held a shotgun at a woman's head in Florida. Sean Penn also held a shotgun, 12 gauge while on safe watch, in New Orleans during 'Katrina'. we received 1753 hits on the article. We had concluded, the serious of to photo with the actor in full view and his w...
Nov 20, 2013
by Anonymous
...Keep your friends close but keep your enemys closer, so he can knock there block off...
...John Boehner, Bill Clinton and then there's Newt Gingrich, *McCarthy, Ryan and Canter "The Young Guns, Jim DeMint, Host Frank Luntz and roughly 15 to 18 other in the republican party. The two (first ones) who were not in attendance at the first Inauguration Dinner in 2009 held in January...
Nov 17, 2013
by gasface49
"...Is it time to pay the piper, Mr. Blythe?"
...John Boehner and Bill Clinton evidently made a pact to "undercut Obama's health plan". The facts: Mr. Blythe, mother had his name altered to Clinton at age 4. Through his youth, to marriage, names that can not be mention in polite company was full of girlfriends and mistresses. Som...
Nov 13, 2013
by gasface49
Fourth from the bottom of the paragraph for gasface49: raise your rates, to over 200 Billion!
The Shut Down, initially cost us 27 billion dollars, as of post 16 days in October 2013 by Halloween. Now, it is estimated over...(you know, I don't want to say because I don't want the republicans to be, what's the term used, giggling...giddy...giddiness) Ann Coulter misspoke out of angry abou...
To MZ from a friend...
Nov 9, 2013
by To MZ from a friend...
Republican House Majority Whip Congressman Kevin McCarth (R-Cal)
...Black Law sixth edition 1990 ISBN ISBN 0-314-76271-x, ISBN 0-314-77165-4-Deluxe. Page 373, 3possible 3 Criminal acts: 1. Criminal gross negligence; 2. Criminal intent; 3. Criminal motive. 1. "...when accompanied by acts of commission or omission of a wanton or willful nature......
Rand Paul... Mum on Plagiarism?
Paige Lavender 10/30/2013, 18:52 hours EDT. I DID NOT WRITE IT: (but) Jesus was betrayed. You know that! But what you never heard were the comments of some of the disciples, in ear reach. Paul said, "It it me Jesus." Matthew said, "Is it me Lord." Peter said, "Hmm? It isn't m...
...Two snakes eating each others tail...REPUBLICANS STILL LIKE *B & *C. Why?
...Butch Cavendish and Billy the Kid (*Boehner & *Cruz) attacked our American values to the tune of 27 Billion dollars in 16 days. I We want back the $money to two squandered! A solution: The two should be drowned in their own quagmire, or, a posse can be formed, chase them and hang them for dry-gulc...
to MZ from Gasface49
...It been report the 'GOP establishment strike back (against the tea party)-Politico/Chris Cilliza 10/31/2013-06:30 am {Q: Can an 2.Owl, with equal motivations out-stare an equally motivation 1.Owl, when both are against the Constitution of the United States?} 2 and 1, or 1 and 2, the repub...
Oct 31, 2013
by gasface49