Excellent reponse RUSHBEDAMNED to FREEMAN ENTERPRISE, it is amazing how people like him/her have no problem with Corporate Welfare and other policies that benefit the rich, but when you ask him/her about the wealthy paying their fair share. Oh, that would be Socialism. Then the icing on the cake is that many of these so called "Conservatives" will hide behind Christian, moral, values to promote their backward doctrines.
That was the funniest thing I have read all day. Been sucking the teet of welsing have you? Just keep that attitude and perception of things and you will stay at the bottom of the pile where you belong.
your comments are racist even though you are well spoken you stereo type black folk ,please open your eyes and see that we as a people have come from the bottom of the pile and everything we do you guys steal or impersonate our lives as best you can from music to fashion i hate to have to say this but if you pay attention youll see anything we do or youll allow us to do we do it way better
Well FREEMAN ENTERPRISE I hope by now you have found your anwser to the puzzle. Obama is president, it was kind of trying to stop a freight train dont you think. I really didnt pay attention to your figures, because I felt they were irrelevant. Anyone in their right mind knows that socialism cannot and will not prevail in America. However, who better than the people of the United States to reap the benefits of their tax dollars. We subsidize just about every country in the world, but we find it a problem when the government steps in once in a while to try to alleviate a crisis here and there and some of us turn around and call it socialism. I bet you the russians wouldnt call it that. And what is this thing about a black president. Obama when he takes the oath of office will be the President of the United States of America, who just happens to be black. He exudes intelligence, certainly greater than that of John McCain and 5 times greater than that of George W Bush but he is not qualified. WOW!!!!!!! I certainly can handle the truth, you cant. Look around you, its the mentality of people like you who continue to destroy the fabric of this nation. Less government please, now look at the mess we are in, I guess you will spend the next 8 years blaming Obama, too bad. Now tell me why the top I% shouldnt pay their fair share of taxes. I am sick and tired of the corporate welfare system that allows a whole bunch of naive incompetent idiots who criticize the very hard working poor, for complaining while they bleed this country, milk this country, on a system that says "Let them suffer, so we might enjoy". The simple principle of a free market economy. I can handle the truth FREE, if you are black maybe you should go back and trace the trail of tears that brought your ancestors here and gave you life. In your mind life began with you being born. If you are white it really doesnt matter does it. Nothing will ever help you understand that intelligence, and ability are color blind.
I suspect you are the truthfinder guy. No...I did not read your blog. Hey...I can throw out a bunch of numbers too. Totally different than yours. So gosh, who would be correct? I will not vote for Obama - but I will certainly not vote for McCain. Here is what I want - all States to allow people to vote for "none of the above". The vote would be shocking.
Anonymous wrote:
And, I wager you also believe that that the NY attack was a planned by the US government. Just making up a bunch of numbers and wacko data does not mean that anyone buys it. You have too much time on your hands.
No, I believe the NYC attack was carried out by a small group of very sick extremists who quickly found there were not 72 virgins for them in the hot place they now reside. If you had read my blog, you would note the references which are available to anyone. The table is directly from the US Dept of the Treasury and the quotes are from Obama's website and his "Plan for America" which I have read cover to cover. Have You?
And, I wager you also believe that that the NY attack was a planned by the US government. Just making up a bunch of numbers and wacko data does not mean that anyone buys it. You have too much time on your hands.
No, I believe the NYC attack was carried out by a small group of very sick extremists who quickly found there were not 72 virgins for them in the hot place they now reside. If you had read my blog, you would note the references which are available to anyone. The table is directly from the US Dept of the Treasury and the quotes are from Obama's website and his "Plan for America" which I have read cover to cover. Have You?
Obama needs to ask the Reagan question, in a different way "are you better off today than you were 4 years ago (or 8)"?. Hilliary will give tepid and weak support of Obama. Oh, she will use some nice words. But Billy and Hilly will be voting for McCain and keeping their fingers crossed. I am an independent and have usually voted Republican. But I have decided to vote for Leadership, Honesty and Decency. The Clintons fail on all that criteria. McCain fails on at least 2. McCain is more of Bush...the guy who says "I do the Google". How embarassing.
Anonymous wrote:
FreeMan Nice try BUT.. These people only want a BLACK man for president and could care less about anything else. Anyone that has half an education can see the simularities between Obama's and the policies of any of the Socialist policies of the European countries.
They are sheep and will vote for whoever will promise them something for free. They have absolutely no clue of how their taxes work. I would bet that the only thing most of them know about taxes is where to sign at on their Jackson Hewitt rapid refund anticipation loan application also known as (legal loan sharks).
Besides If Obama gets elected it will be because white people voted for him. And that will be the one biggest argument against their constant racism BS so I think it would be a good trade off. Once they get a taste of the reality of Obama's political policies they will then be educated (atleast the working ones).
After 4 years of Obama draining their bank accounts and they can't afford to eat what they want or keep the crib at 72 degrees or ride on 24" Dubs. They will be begging for "Change" yet again. lol
FreeMan Nice try BUT.. These people only want a BLACK man for president and could care less about anything else. Anyone that has half an education can see the simularities between Obama's and the policies of any of the Socialist policies of the European countries.
They are sheep and will vote for whoever will promise them something for free. They have absolutely no clue of how their taxes work. I would bet that the only thing most of them know about taxes is where to sign at on their Jackson Hewitt rapid refund anticipation loan application also known as (legal loan sharks).
Besides If Obama gets elected it will be because white people voted for him. And that will be the one biggest argument against their constant racism BS so I think it would be a good trade off. Once they get a taste of the reality of Obama's political policies they will then be educated (atleast the working ones).
After 4 years of Obama draining their bank accounts and they can't afford to eat what they want or keep the crib at 72 degrees or ride on 24" Dubs. They will be begging for "Change" yet again. lol
And, I wager you also believe that that the NY attack was a planned by the US government. Just making up a bunch of numbers and wacko data does not mean that anyone buys it. You have too much time on your hands.
I started listening to your show several months.It has been enlightening.Your listeners appear to be hard working Americans who want equality and fairness in politics, the workplace and the court system.Although the time I have available to listen is limited, I have not heard any caller that wanted something for nothing. You and the majority of your callers have a passion for the historic run for President by Barack Obama.This time in history is a wonderful moment for an African American or a woman to be elected President.There will be a qualified black President.Unfortunately, Obama is the wrong man.
Truth #1 Regardless of what you WANT to believe, Obamas policies are very Socialistic.
In Obamas Plan for America, on his website, there is the underlying theme of wealth redistribution.From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. (Quote is attributed to Karl Marx but Marx probably was quoting from Louis Blanc in 1840).Where does the money come from Obama wants to give to these groups?It comes from the rest of the people.Obama is a trained politician attempting to buy votes from those people that are looking to get something for nothing.Increasing Socialistic policies will ultimately destroy American innovation and global competitiveness.
Government does not earn income.All of the governments revenues come in some sort of fees or taxes.The government, regardless of who is at the top, cannot by its very nature, be as efficient as a competitive free market system.The only true determinant of low prices and high quality is competition.The Government has no competition.Therefore, any increase in government control or regulation costs more and is less effective.
In Obamas Plan for America, quoted from his website, there is line after line outlining additional government spending in the Billions.Here are only a few examples:(Page 6) Obama will sign Universal Health Care into lawreduce a typical families premiums by as much as $2,500 per year. (Page 7) Individual and families will receive an income related federal subsidy to buy into the new public plan(Page 12)Obama will restore fairness to the tax code and provide 150 million workers the tax relief they need.Obama will create a new Making Work Pay tax credit of up to $500. per person, or $1,000. per working family.The Making Work Pay tax credit will completely eliminate income taxes for 10 million Americans. (Page 13)Obama will create a 10% universal mortgage creditprovide an average $500 to $10 million homeownerswhom earn less than $50,000, per year. (Page 29)Obama will protect tax cuts for the poor and middle class families, but he will reverse most of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest taxpayers. (Page) 41) Obama will invest $1 Billion dollarsimplement methods of helping low income Americans(Page 41)Obama will also eliminate taxes for seniors making under $50,000 per year.
On and on and on, Obama will invest, Obama will increase, Obama will give, Obama willrequire. read these very carefully, they mean higher taxes and more government control.
Truth #2 - It is a LIE to say that the Bush Tax Cuts benefited the rich over working Americans.
From Obamas Plan for America (Page 12), The Bush Tax Cuts gave those who earn over $1 million dollars a tax cut nearly 160 times greater than that received by middle income Americans.
The following table shows that since the Bush Tax Cuts, which started in 2001, the rich pay a significant higher percentage.In the Clinton 90s the rich paid less.
P 1 of 2Share of Individual Taxes and Income, 1990-2005Percentage Share of Individual Income Taxes
[Percentage Share of Adjusted Gross Income]
AGI Incomefor 2005
Top 1%
$364,657. +
Top 5%
$145,283. +
Top 10%
$103,912. +
Top 25%
$62,068. +
Top 50%
$30,881. +
Bottom 50%< $30,881.
Source: U.S. Department of Treasury, Office of Tax Analysis
Where is the fairness in this?Does someone making $150,000 per year, use more government services than someone making $50,000?Some may say, so what, they can afford it.If your Adjusted Gross Income is $62,068 or more for your family, you are in the top 25%.YOU are the one paying for 86% of Americas taxes now.How will you feel when you are paying 100%?
Here is a dirty little secret. If the Bush Tax Cuts are repealed, ALL Americans pay more in taxes regardless of income.The wealthiest percentage of taxes paid would go DOWN from 39.1% to 38.4%.The bottom 50% pays MORE going from 3.1% to 3.4%!(See bottom table on page 2 of May 2008 Dept of the Treasury Topics Related to the Presidents Tax Relief)
Truth Fighters, you may feel like the more affluent should pay more to help the less fortunate.In our Constitution, does the government have the right to steal from the rich to give to the poor?When you run $1.00 of taxes thought the government bureaucracy a small fraction gets to the people in need.As an alternative, why not offer the wealthy a double tax deduction for giving money to charity. That way, it bypasses the government and goes through a competitive non profit organization, directly to those in need, with only a few pennies for administration.
The best way to realize true economic freedom in America is to reach financial independence.Financial independence can be defined as having enough investment assets, to produce the income that you need, without depending on earned income.Otherwise, you are a slave to the time clock, to debt, the boss or the State.
Government doesnt create jobs, the private sector does.If producing Americans pay less in taxes they invest in new ideas, open small businesses and create more jobs!If A Truth Fighter works hard and takes the risks, why should they not reap the rewards? This is the American dream.
Now is the time, Obama is not the man.
With Faith in the Truth, Hope this Great Experiment will endure and the Love of Jesus Christ for all Truth Fighters