I just saw you on the Ed Show and was moved by your anger towards the Republicans for what they have just done to this country. You spoke for me as I feel the same anger that you displayed. I have never been so upset with a Democratic president or congress until now. I know you think that we shouldn't be as upset with Pres. Obama but he is our leader and has let us down. Republicans just did what their base wanted them to do. They maybe heartless and hypocrits but that seems to work for them. They got what they wanted because Pres. Obama quite fighting. When will Democrats and Obama grow a pair and tell the Republicans to bring it on. I can't believe that Obama did this to us. He was supposed to fight for the working class, the poor and disenfranchised and all he did today was win one for the republicans, the same people that keep telling him to bend over. They hate him so much that their true agenda is to see that this black man is not elected again. They keep calling him boy and he keeps responding with a "yes Massar". Now they win, the American people and a whole loses and he loses his credibility with those of us who truly believed in him. What a sad day for America.