...So, he wants to be the next senator from the great state of South Carolina. But, he wants to get his last bit of pleasure with the old wife'ee. And, his enagagement to his one time paramore, from South Armerica, who used to live 1500 miles from where he traveled through the allegheny trail, or what-ever-it -was, then Gov. Sandford as he mislead the folks in South Carolina: "he was way down south, in another continent and country doing the 'wild-thing'". And he was only charged with back payment of $70,000 dollars during his time in office. And this week his was caught at the old wife'ee house, *looking in! It's her house. She can invite in her home whom ever she want. If she wants to get butt-naked' , she can. Mark did it, with his south-of-the-border paramore, so why should she be any diffent?...