Huffington Post reporter tells in a piece how V.P. Cheney maintains Mandela is a terrorist. Nick Wing 12/05/2013 6:14 pm EST. Cheney didn't regret his vote freeing the South Africa President. But all I know is that he didn't shoot *Harry Whittington, (active at the time, The V.P.) Cheney did. Mandela wasn't on a ranch in the central east of Texas on () Anne Armstrong several thousand areas shoot Quail, and alleged in a drunken state, and outright lying to the press. It took better than 20 hours to report what happened, after the police and their drawling others in Cheney's party threw interference at the press. Mandela had a happy time on the 12th February 2006. But Cheney's got his partner's head, nearly *blown off.
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