...or the Latin word used, tacitus: Silent. By now we know of Gov. Christ Christie' s problem with 'BridgeGate'-or the George Washington Bridge {GW as we like to call it}. I won't bore you on the tx outlining the hole silly matter. But I will lay out the facts leading up to the GW! The whole distance is only about 5 miles to the GW, heading east. Interstate #95 N, Interstate #80 E, Route #3 E {MetLife where the football teams Giants and Jets play-Horse racing, and concert are held}, Route #4 E, Route #46 E, Route #1 & 9 N, Route #17 E by N.E., Route #21 N, Route #9W, and other main ave. heading to there final distance of Fort Lee NJ {other outlining cities-Teaneck, Lodi, Hackensack, Paramus, Secaucus, Lyndhurst, and other cities}. Hospitals in the 5 mile area: Holy Hospital Rt 4 and Englewood Hospital. Mention was on traffic tie-up, on the first of Sept 2013. Schools, EMT, police action, and the general population, and he first learn of it, 8:00 am on Jan. 8th, 2014? No way, Gov. Christie!
...or the latin word used, tacitus-Silent. By now we know of Gov. Christ Christie' s problem with 'BridgeGate-or the George Washington Bridge (GW as we like to call it). I won't bore you on the tx outlining the hole silly matter. But I will lay out the facts leading up to the GW! The whole distance is only about 5 miles to the GW, heading east. Interstate #95 N, Interstate #80 E, Route #3 E (MetLife where the football teams Giants and Jets play-Horse racing, and concert are held), Route #4 E, Route #46 E, Route #1 & 9 N, Route #17 E by S.E., Route #21 N, Route #9W, and other main ave. heading to there final distance of Fort Lee NJ ( other outlining cities-Teaneck, Lodi, Hackensack, Paramus, Secaucus, Lyndhurst, and other cities. Hospitals in the 5 mile area: Holy Hospital Rt 4 and Englewood Hospital. Mention was on traffic tie-up, on the first of Sept 2013. Schools, EMT, police action, and the general population, and he first learn of it on Jan. 9th, 2014? No way, Gov. Christie!