...The first two Carnivorous meat or flesh eating "fighting dinosaurs" left the earth several hundred million ago, leaving the their cousin, the *Velociraptor. Now, presently, republicans have a *'sickle claw' ripened for slicing open the U.S. Attorney General and the President. The republican party, the GOP, as well as the T party has total design of getting the top two lawyers, deemed for destruction. Their resolve is minus against 0% to save, and (green with pride)100% of Caucasian's destiny in America! The log on the ground has been spit over, in terms of a declaration of war. Figuratively, make the republicans, (well I can't say life's fluids), but if the Velociraptor were here, what do you think he would do? Might he serve up a couple of republicans steaks, med-rare?...
...The first two Carnivorous meat or flesh eating "fighting dinosaurs" left the earth several hundred million ago, leaving the their cousin, the *Velociraptor. Now, presently, republicans have a *'sickle claw' ripened for slicing open the U.S. Attorney General and the President. The republican party, the GOP, as well as the T party has total design of getting the top two lawyers, deemed for destruction. Their resolve is minus against 0% to save, and (green with pride)100% of Caucasian's destiny in America! The log on the ground has been spit over, in terms of a declaration of war. Figuratively, make the republicans, (well I can't say life's fluids), but if the Velociraptor where here, what do you think he would do? Might he serve up a couple of republicans steaks, med-rare?...
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Forum - View All -> Test -> Eudromaeosaurio thru Velociraptorinao to *Velociraptor.