...*Robert Draper labeled (Tell Sen. Reid) 8 to 11 republican Senators": They were "all plotted to sabotage, undermine,and destroy America's Economy", Wed. June 20th, 2012-11:55 am PDT. In 2009, the Inauguration Dinner was held in Washington D.C. for President-Elect Barack Obama. Before he had his supper, non-lawmaker Newt Gingrich and presenter Senator Jim DeMint and others set about terms on how to address certain oppositions to the Commander-in-Chief. Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-California) literally said, in as much, "show united & unyielding opposition to the president's 'ecnonomic policies-vote No! on every single piece of legislation brought to the floor-we've gotta challenge them(democrats) on every single bill.One challrnge through Congressman McCarthy was the $2 billion and plus government Sept occurrence of 2013-"Tell Sen Reid": "Eric Cantor, Paul Ryan, and Kevin McCarthy Literally Plotted To Sabotage US Economy"...
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