Ms. Preston reported an Honduras 8 year old boy named Alex, left alone without parents and without supervision. The article wrote in it's piece a 19 Guatemalan girl with a 2 year old. Supposedly, the father lives in Indiana. Of the two mentioned, and the protest in California, there seems to be an invasion of millions of people just below Texas. The 12 regions of South America, and below and outside of United States but with in the North American Continent. In the small and larger cities, the increase in rapid of Spanish speaking illegal aliens. You van see it in the pool of Vans, the men who hang out at McDonalds as they look for work, sitting on side walks, or impregnating young Latino girls so to get on Aid from the county. It's harsh, I know, but it's true. If any American left there 8 year old, or 6, or4, or 2, or newborn child alone, for more than 1 minute, the Law would be up your alimentary canal to the mouth, and then receiving a legal punch in the chops, and sending back down, and exiting. But they get a pass.
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Forum - View All -> Test -> 6/28/2014-Snakes, & Thorny Brush, & Children @ the Border, Alone-Julia Preston 25 June 2014