...by Joseph Tanfani - "bush eases out of...business, such as firm helped by Obamacare" -12.15.2014 - When you read the brief article, it's clear Jeb Bush 'parlayed' senior family *influence to rack up a hefty sum of million upon leaving the Office of Governor. Tenet Healthcare Corp., Barclays Bank, a Chinese Airline consulting fee (professional discussions & private offshore investments - July 2014 'The Next Breadbasket' by Joel Bourne, jr [China is in several countries in Africa], with China's 50,000 acre farming, dealing in chickens in Lusaka, Zambia, About 30 photo's by Robin Hammond) - G.H.W.Bush was a Cong, the head of the CIA, a V.P. & President, Brother George was Governor and President, Jeb was Governor, and now the whole ball of wax is about to 'unfurled' for all to see...