The bottom line about our multi-party system is that is not a multi-party system. It's the white power conglomerate which controls this country. In the end, this country has had to deal with choosing the best of 2 evils for a long time. (except with clinton, that's the 1st black president).
The only way for blacks to rise to real equal power is to learn to play the white man's game to the fullest, so well that we beat him at it. Just like we did with tennis, basketball, football, etc... Take over and lay down the law.
Will Barack Obama win as president? We shall see....
Just when I thought that endorsing the Repbublicans was about as low as the elected officials in PG county could go, then along comes the article in the Washintgon post that reveals that these same individuals have been fleecing the county by taking extravagant vacations, flying their kids across the country, lavishly decorating their offices, and feeding their families on the county's dole. We can't get rid of this bunch fast enough!