A lot of people are angry at Michael Vick about that dog thing. Kind of like they're mad at O.J. about the wife thing. Barry Bonds and steroid, along with Isaiah Washington and slurs. There's so much to be mad at, but the color of rage remains the same.
James, I believe racism is " Tribalist-Collectivism " and I believe that calling it this is the term that benefits us most. My reason for believing this is because the United States spent billions of dollars fighting the cold war with russia & we faught that war because the U.S. believes that Communism is collectivism and that collectivism is evil. The odd thing here is that while we faught collectivism in this country, the people of this nation seem to have embraced "Tribalist Collectivism" which is still collectivism. This argument alone is the reason why racism is on it's way out the door. The Baha`i Faith has it right, but I doubt that many understand why they got it right. Joe Madison should have members of " The Baha`i Faith " on his show every once in awhile.
i probably missed something here because i don't understand the "fear issue", so please forgive me. is this about madison's on air persona? it sounds like it is. i love the madison show, and there's none like it in the united states that i know of. do i agree with his opinion and his ways all the time? no way! do i make his priorities my priorities? no way unless his are mine. my gripe with joe is that many of the people that he talks to that he takes issue with are cut off before they can complete their train of thought . most of these people are not talk show host savvy and become confused (me too) when their train is jammed. sometimes i would like to hear what they have to say, whoever they are. nonethe less, madison is a necessary for the black community because he, like the other personalities on that station bring issues to us that we would never know of otherwise, because unfortunately many of us still don't read or research in depth. we're entertainment junkies and hooked on the "one eyed devil" aka the "tv". no fear
Does Mister Madison hide the truth while receiving a paycheck from the Master's Media? it seems folks are pissed off with him. People are asking for the truth, the real message, the info behind the data. What is the deal?
We need to be talking about the state and fate of our country not blasting the space waves with advertisements from big corporate fat cats....
Yes that all makes perfect sense, but when I find facts that oppose 80 percent or more of what anyone reports, that is not just being human thats pushing a specific point of view, I dont agree with about 90 percent of what is being said on his show, not because I have a different perspective, because I find facts that prove otherwise, A very wise person said to me once...if you are looking for something wrong you will find it, if you are looking for something good you will find it, why, because you have put yourself in a state of mind to see what you are looking for, most people will dig into an issue till they find what they are looking for then stop digging, they never really get to the bottom of it, for example.....its been said that president bush does not like black people, that could be true, but knowing what we know about politics in general do you really expect him to, just like most of them he is out to better his career and his status, so it would be foolish of me to expect him to come to my aid, thats not the way it should be, but thats the way it is, when I realize that I am not suprised at anything he does, in a few years he will be gone and we will have to deal with someone else who could be even worse, if you are putting your trust in the government , they will let you down every time, and anyway racism is not the problem, racism is just a symptom, if we never get to the problem the racism will never go away, the question is where does the real problem lay, and what can we do about it if anything.
Mr. madison is an intellect in the sea of intellectuals. He has fact based idealogy that he shares his view points on. His commentation is that of subjective and objective comments. Any and everyon has a right to voice their opinion, just understand that he will defend his opinion. Idealogy is: 1: visionary theorizing 2 a: a systematic body of concepts especially about human life or culture b: a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture c: the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program per webster's dictionary. If you understand these mean you will understand the point of view he takes on most of his discussions.
It is typical for real world information to be uncertain, incomplete, and contradictory. Sometimes, all these different aspects are present at the same time.The presence of incomplete and contradictory information leads to ignorance and conflicts, respectively. A formalism that claims to deal with real world information should therefore allow to express and quantify all these aspects of true information. Mr. Madison trys to do this, while not always sucessful in most eyes, he does get you thinking to unravel the truth, whereever it hide.
James, I think you might be missing some important facts. There's two ways to kill a person, idea or institution. a) with a swift sword ) by a thousand paper cuts. While the former is the surest, it's not always the most effective means to the end. The latter is slower but it allows the killer to leave a least obvious trail of evidence. Fear is not a good emotion, but awareness is a very good one. Never let your guard down. One thing we should learn from other cultures, is the ability to think long term, and we should be aware that others are thinking long term. Just because someone is not shooting at you it doesn't mean that they are not seeking your demise. Mr Madison is not perfect in his handling of calls, but he has his hand on the pulse. He, like the rest of us should, keeps his guard up.
It is my belief that mr. madison is an overly aggessive person who is surrounded by those who, like himself, cant think more than two feet in front of them , and are afraid to oppose him on any serious level, after listening to the show over several months I have on many occasions found that what he is reporting is simply not true, he puts out his own ideas, and there is nothing wrong with that, but dont call it the truth when its not. it is easy to create a following when you just agree with what is being said,and it makes you feel so good being with the crowd, that when someone calls in, rather than listen to another point of view, take great pride in giving them a verbal beating then simply hang up and laugh at the stupidity of the caller, I for one am not afraid to oppose him, I can see exactly what he is doing ,and he needs to grow up, the only oppression he faces is in his own mind, and let me say that oppression and descrimination is something I know a little about, I get it from the white folks and the black folks alike, I get it from hispanics, and asians, native americans, and any one else who dosent think all people are equal, does any one out there know where racisim really comes from, do you really, thats not a trick question ,just one you have to be mature to answer, from what I can see it is mr. madison that seeks to control people by fear of what the government might do, if they really wanted us gone do think that we would still be here, they control everything they dont need to make up reasons for what they do...