Wow; thanks, Casey. I gave money to Obama's campaine, but in the general election, I think, I'm going to vote for Ralph Nader. The Dems. and The Repubs. almost always seem to talk down to the American People. I want to give them the same respect that they seem to show me, which is none at all.
I understand your chagrin with the guy from "Nashville" and the cup remark, but he's ignorant and by saying "Nashville" you include people like me, who have been with Obama from the beginning, that guy is not representaive of Nashville, he just is one of the backwood racist idiots that happen to live around us. I am caucasian, I like so many other Southerns have to fight everyday to over come sterotypes, because when the media goes to interview they look for the biggest bubba they can find, that guys teeth alone should have indicated he's not someone to interview, toothpaste has been on the market since Egypt in the 4th century A.D., I not only want Obama to win I'm on his site daily using his voter registration form to get others to vote for him, I'll go pick up people to get them to vote, our country can't afford another rich ostentatious president who is out of touch with his constituents, so because I'm trying so hard to turn people here on to Obama, please try not to call a cities name, because the person may be from there, but one person doesnt represent our state....OBAMA IN 2008