GZ is only guilty in the court of public opinion. The media totally biased this case from the beginning and the pundits ran with it. He should have never been tried.
A most unusual management to the prosecution: "The whole story", separating GZ's statement from common sense. The whole story, as GZ's 'martial arts training would suggest, and was presented by Prosecutor Bernie da la Rionda was a case in training of 'ju-jitsu'. The prosecutor allow GZ to trip his own self up. Who do you believe, George or the 'evidence'. The prosecutor came just short of painting GZ as a low-level 'Psychopath'. But the 'buzz-word' alone with 'Psychopath' is Egocentricity: 2."having little or no regard for interest's, belief's, or attitudes other than one's own". GZ is GUILTY!