...including 4) four of the 47 senators on it's cover work sheet, McConnell, Cruz, Cotton, and Paul, with less bold type, "...sabotage..." in Red print, were at the least, misguided for reaching the High command of *Iranian's counsel and the 'Ayatollahs'. But regardless of Cotton's ill-advised, unwarranted, or the lesser, [unwise] premature 'direction head', lack-of-wisdom in that most of the world's head of state's, *studies right here in the United States. To that end, we wish Cotton's 47 group to know that freedom of choice can lead the American people in to a free library and read Our United States Constitution. There a section about the (3) three powers of our government - but I won't bore you! The subject reads "TRAITOR" - In a free library, a reading of Black's Law 6th Edition years 1891 to 1991, includes the following limited forms of Treason: Treason, over throw government; thelawdictionary.org/treason/ - What is CRIMAN MAJESTATIS, the less crime of lese-majestis or injuring majestic or royalty or high treason; thelawdictionary.org/criman-majestatis/ - What is SEDITION Black's Law; An Insurrection movement lending towards treason, but wanting an overt act made by meeting, or speech...the lawdictionary.org/sedition/...
...including 4) four of the 47 senators on it's cover work sheet, McConnell, Cruz, Cotton, and Paul, with less bold type, "...sabotage..." in Red print, were at the least, misguided for reaching the High command of *Iranian's counsel and the 'Ayatollahs'. But regardless of Cotton's ill-advised, unwarranted, or the lesser, [unwise] premature 'direction head', lack-of-wisdom in that most of the world's head of state's, *studies right here in the United States. To that end, we wish Cotton's 47 group to know that freedom of choice can lead the American people in to a free library and read Our United States Constitution. There a section about the (3) three powers of our government - but I won't bore you! The subject reads "TRAITOR" - In a free library, a reading of Black's Law 6th Edition years 1891 to 1991, includes the following limited forms of Treason: Treason, over throw the government; thelawdictionary.org/treason/ - What is CRIMAN MAJESTATIS, the less crime of lese-majestis or injuring majestic or royalty or high treason; thelawdictionary.org/criman-majestatis/ - What is SEDITION Black's Law; An Insurrection movement lending towards treason, but wanting an overt act made by meeting, or speech...the lawdictionary.org/sedition/...
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